Books List

Books - Black Industries WFRP Products

Book RefName
WFRP2ARMWFRP2 - Old World Armoury : Miscellania and Militaria
WFRP2BSTWFRP2 - Old World Bestiary
WFRP2CPWFRP2 - Character Pack
WFRP2CHRWFRP2 - Children of the Horned Rat : A guide to Skaven (Summer 2006)
WFRP2GMWFRP2 - Gamemasters Guide
WFRP2KAWFRP2 - Karak Azgal : Dragon Crag
WFRP2KGWFRP2 - Knights of the Grail : A Guide to Bretonnia
PDAoMWFRP2 - Paths of the Damned : Ashes of Middenheim
PDFoNWFRP2 - Paths of the Damned : Forges of Nuln
PDSoAWFRP2 - Paths of the Damned : Spires of Altdorf
WFRP2PVWFRP2 - Plundered Vaults
WFRP2RSWFRP2 - Realms of Sorcery
WFRP2SHWFRP2 - Sigmars Heirs
WFRP2TALWFRP2 - Terror in Talabheim (Summer 2006)
WFRP2BDWFRP2 - Barony of the Damned : An adventure in Mousillon (2006)
WFRP2ToCWFRP2 - The Tome of Corruption : Secrets from the Realm of Chaos (Autumn 2006)
WFRP2WCWFRP2 - The WFRP Companion (Autumn 2006)
WFRP2RCWFRP2 - Renegade Crowns : A guide to the Border Princes (Winter 2006 - 2007)
WFRP2LLLWFRP2 - Lure of the Liche Lord (Winter 2006 - 2007)
WFRP2ToSWFRP2 - Tome of Salvation : Priests of the Old World (Winter 2007)
WFRP2RICWFRP2 - Realm of the Ice Queen : A Guide To Kislev (Winter 2007)
WFRP2NDMWFRP2 - Nights Dark Masters : A Guide To Vampires (Winter 2007)
WFRP2TTHWFRP2 - Thousand Thrones campaign (2008)

Books - Fantasy Flight Games WFRP Products

Book RefName
WFRP2SOEWFRP2 - Shades of Empire (2008)
WFRP2CCWFRP2 - Career Compendium (2009)

Books - Games Workshop WFB4/5 and Army Books

Book RefName
WFB4CDAWFB4/5 Chaos Dwarf Army Book (1994)
WFB4DWAWFB4/5 Dogs of War Army Book (1998)
WFB4UdAWFB4/5 Undead Army Book (1994)
WFB4WEAWFB4/5 Wood Elf Army Book (1996) (Superceded)
WFB4DfAWFB4/5 Dwarf Army Book (2000)
WFB4EmAWFB4/5 Empire Army Book (2000)
WFB4GbBWFB4/5 Orc and Goblin Army Book (2000)
WFB4DEAWFB4/5 Dark Elf Army Book (2001)
WFB4VCBWFB4/5 Vampire Counts Army Book (2001)
WFB4HECWFB4/5 High Elf Army Book (2002)
WFB4HCAWFB4/5 Hordes of Chaos Army Book (2002)
WFB4SkBWFB4/5 Skaven Army Book (2002)
WFB4TKAWFB4/5 Tomb Kings Army Book (2002)

Books - Games Workshop WFB6 and Army Books

Book RefName
WFB6RBWFB6 Warhammer Fantasy Battle 6 Rulebook (2003)
WFB6BCAWFB6 Beasts of Chaos Army Book (2003)
WFB6BrAWFB6 Bretonnian Army Book (2003)
WFB6LzAWFB6 Lizardman Army Book (2003)
WFB6LzBWFB6 Lustria Army Book (2004)
WFB6OKAWFB6 Ogre Kingdoms Army Book (2004)
WFB6SCAWFB6 Storm of Chaos Army Book (2004)
WFB6DfAWFB6 Dwarf Army Book (2005)
WFB6WEAWFB6 Wood Elf Army Book (2005)

Books - Black Library sourcebooks

Book RefName
BotRBlood on the Reik
LCKLiber Chaotica : Volume 1 : Khorne
LCNLiber Chaotica : Volume 2 : Nurgle
LCSLiber Chaotica : Volume 3 : Slaanesh
LCTLiber Chaotica : Volume 4 : Tzeentch
LCULiber Chaotica : Volume 5 : Chaos Undivided
(Note that volumes 1-5 are also combined into one book, the Liber Chaotica, and that volume 5 is only available as part of the complete Liber Chaotica. Despite this, the volumes are indexed as separate books in and of themselves. See also Inferno issue 45, containing information relating to the Liber Chaotica.)
LRThe Loathsome Ratmen

Books - Fan Books

Book RefName
LFALiber Fanatica I - The Character Compendium
LFBLiber Fanatica II - The Perilous Arts
LFCLiber Fanatica III - Games Masters Guide

Books - Periodicals

Book RefName
WD#nnnIssue nnn of White Dwarf magazine (Issues 100, 120, 126, 128, 173, 175, 227, 234, 235, 236, 237, 258, 259, 260, 262, 267, 268, 269, 270, 271, 272, 273, 274, 276, 279, 290, 300, 301, 302, 303)
WD-DSDark Shadows campaign booklet (in White Dwarf 244)
Inf#nnnIssue nnn of Inferno magazine (Issue(s) 45)
WS#nnnIssue nnn of Warpstone magazine (Issue(s) 23, 24, see also Warpstone: Corrupting Influence.)

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